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Firmware News
Malware Group Leaks Millions of Stolen Authentication Cookies

Malware Group Leaks Millions of Stolen Authentication Cookies

After Elasticsearch left a server exposed without a password, a malware group infected the server with a strain that stole hundreds of thousands of passwords and millions of authentication cookies, then leaked this same data online for more than a month. During this time thieves had access to login credentials, credit card information, cryptocurrency wallets and browser data.

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Scientists Admit Spectre Attacks Still Cause Vulnerabilities

Many thought we’d solved the problems brought to light by Spectre, the hardware flaw that made computers vulnerable to attack back in 2018, simply by patching devices. But it turns out, as computer scientists at the University of Virginia discovered this week, patching is not nearly enough because hackers can still get in and exploit using something called a “micro-op cache.” The industry is all in a twitter about it this week, after the team released their paper, “I See Dead µops: Leaking Secrets via Intel/AMD Micro-Op Caches” Read about it here.

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Microsoft says its time to start worrying more about firmware attacks

Microsoft says its time to start worrying more about firmware attacks

Businesses are too busy patching to worry about firmware attacks, according to a Microsoft-commissioned study. Microsoft’s inaugural Security Signals report for March 2021 shows that 80% of enterprises have experienced one firmware attack during the past two years, but less than a third of security budgets are dedicated to protecting firmware.

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Hackers use Backdoor to Unleash Massive Ubiquiti Breach

Krebs reports on how hackers infiltrated devices at IoT vendor Ubiquiti, gaining backdoor access to Ubiquiti’s AWS cloud service servers. Access could have allowed intruders to authenticate on countless Ubiquiti devices globally but the company responded quickly to avoid disaster. But not without lessons…

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